meet the


jen randle

jen is a humanist—rooted in the belief that human beings are the starting point for any meaningful change. her work centers on the creation of spaces where people can find their way to their original best—inspiring individuals, teams, and organizations to envision bold futures and operate from a place of abundance. she partners to not only help reimagine strategies and design enabling initiatives but also offer personal practices that create meaningful shifts. a pragmatic visionary, jen runs towards the hard things, leveraging her business strategy, systems-thinking, human-centered design, brand, and communications expertise.

she’s worked with companies like nike, Pinterest, Virgin Brands, juul labs, WeWork, and Starbucks as they’ve tackled some of their most complex humanistic challenges.

jen played a pivotal role in implementing an unconscious bias program for 175,000 people across 8,000 stores, when in 2018, she helped guide Starbucks response after a 2018 racially-driven occurrence in one of their philadelphia stores—an incident that went viral.

most importantly, jen is a native californian who is happy to be back on the w(b)est coast—living with her pups, experiencing all the very best that coastal living has to offer.